Why Give?
We are a Non-Profit Organization. Our desire is to one day see Portales House of Prayer as the Fountain that flows not just into the community but the World. We believe we are called to move into a central location, where 24/7 ministry unto the Lord takes place. A building where a diverse body of believers from different denominations can come together despite theological differences and pray! Just like every other time throughout history, we believe the result of this 24/7 worship and intercession will be revival and missions work. In faith, we see missionaries sent out into the world to proclaim the Gospel to the nations who need it most. We have already seen lives changed, people sacrificing their comforts for the gospel, and hearts grown for missions around the world as a result of this fountain of prayer flowing in Portales, NM. We believe that by sowing into Portales House of Prayer you are sowing into a ministry with the capability to change the world by the Grace of God for His glory.